Smooth Shading and Blending

Smooth Shading is most simplest and popular form of shading. It can be used in different mediums. Through smooth shading, one can show a transition of "Values and Tones" in a sketch.

In Pencil Colors, Graphite pencils, or Charcoal pencils several layers are added on top of each other to create dense and light areas. For the first and bottom most layer, apply least pressure with Pencil Colors or Graphite pencils and spread it evenly. For Graphite or Charcoal pencils Paper Stump is a fine tool to spread evenly. In a similar way several layers are created applying more and more pressure each time, till the saturation of paper is achieved. For pencil colors blending pencil can be used to create smooth blend. If too much pressure is applied than texture of paper is lost.

By Shipra Agarwal © 2017-

Created and Maintained by mSakha Software