
Shading is a process through which an artist creates "Form" in his/her artwork. In simple words it means Shading helps in creating an illusion of three dimensional shape on the paper by creating darker and lighter Tones of same or different color. Without Shading any piece of artwork will just look flat on the paper.

Shading effects can be obtained through all different types of color mediums, for example in Oil Pastels, Pencil Colors, Watercolors, Graphite and Charcoal pencils, Acrylic colors and Oil colors. Famous paintings of great artist are done by creating several layers of tones through Shading.

How to do Shading

Shading is done by creating several layers of colors applying different amount of pressure each time. More layers , give much more dense and texture effect. At first, start with light pressure for pencil colors or Graphite or Charcoal pencils, then as the number of layers progresses , increase the pressure each time. This as a whole create a blending smooth result. These layers can be in form of lines, circular random lines or points in any other possible way.

Shading depends on multiple factors such as, angle of the light source, distance from the viewer’s eye. All different types of shading, work on the same principle. Only the way of representing them on paper varies.

Types of Shading

There are four different type of shadings that can be used with different mediums to create Positive Spaces in the artwork.

By Shipra Agarwal © 2017-

Created and Maintained by mSakha Software